martes, 21 de agosto de 2018

A subject I've enjoyed studying this semester

This semester has been confuse for me because the strike had a negative effect in my mind. 

So, back to the topic, my favorite subject has been Classic Architecture's Culture. In this class, we hear a exposition and read books that speak about way of doing architecture in the past. The teacher speaks us about the life in Greece and Rome: culture, religion, political organization and how these topics are interrelated with Architecture and Urbanism. Then, he speak us how the renaissance intellectuals -especially artists-, in Architecture,  recover the teaching of the Classic world through constructions and Architecture conventions that reinterpret mainly the Ten Books of Architecture by Vitruvio. In the period of the Protestant Reformation, Catholic Counter-Reformation creating a religious movement called Baroque, this movement is the opposite idea of the Renaissance because, in Architecture, is characterized by indoor and outdoor overdecorate, optical illusion, scenographic character, among other qualities. Actually, we have studying Neoclassic period, where the french monarchy financed Architecture's Academies that systematized Classical teachings in manuals of construction and other book types.

I like this subject because I feel that I'm really learning about the past of the architecture, the contents has helped me to know great architects, and the teacher explain very well, but he's a little slow when he state in the class.

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